For Authors
I. Instructions for authors
1. The papers submitted to EcRG for publication should NOT be published or UNDER review to another journals.
2. There is no submission/publication fee!
3. Papers must be written in English (see Editing Services) and should have seven pages or less, excluding figures, tables and references.
4. Contributions to EcRG should be electronically submitted by email to editors, at both [email protected] and [email protected]
5. In order to write the paper, the authors must use the following format (download the Paper Template):
(i) paper size: Letter (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm)
(ii) margins: top 4 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm, header 1.27 cm, footer 1.27 cm.
(iii) the file format: doc
(iv) font text: Garamond.
6. The first page of the manuscript should contain (download the Paper Template):
(i) the title
(ii) the name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es) of the author(s)
(iii) an abstract of 50-200 words.
(iv) JEL categories (see JEL Codes)
(v) 5 keywords
7. The Abstract should include in few sentences: the paper objective, the analysis period and the investigation method, the main findings by showing how these outcomes are fixed or clarify the assumed issue, and the main research conclusions.
8. Titles and subtitles should be numbered consecutively (1., 1.1., 1.2., 2., 2.1., 2.2. etc.).
9. Mathematical relations, figures and tables should be numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3 etc.).
10. References should be listed at the end of the main text in alphabetical order. They should be cross-referenced in the text, using the author's name and publication date: Tullock (2008), Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004) or Buchanan et al. (2002).
11. The authors are expected to provide any information in order to verify the replication of the results.
II. References style
Tullock, G. (2008). Public Goods, Redistribution and Rent Seeking, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Chapters in Books:
Reisman, D. (1999). Buchanan as Conservative. In Brennen G, Kliemt H, Tollison R (Ed.), Method and Morals in Constitutional Economics: Essays in Honor of James M. Buchanan, pp. 103-109, Springer.
Siegle, J., Weinstein, M., Halperi, M. (2004). Why Democracies Excel. Foreign Affairs, 83(5), 57-71.
Working Papers:
Oliveira-Brochado, A., Martins, F. (2005). Democracy and Economic Development: A Fuzzy Classification Approach. FEP Working Papers, Research-Work in Progress 180.
Conference Papers:
Chen, L. (2007). Development First, Democracy Later? Or Democracy First, Development Later? The Controversy over Development and Democracy. The annual meeting of the Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans.
Institutional Rapport:
International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2009.
Web sites:
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (accessed in January 13, 2010).
III. Review process
EcRG follows a double-blind review meaning that both reviewer and author identities are hidden from the reviewers and vice-versa during entire review process.
The review process has the following stages:
1. With Journal - this stage begins automatically when the paper is submitted to the journal via and (approx. 1 week). One of the assistant editors checks if the manuscript follows the journal's rules. If everything is fine, the manuscript is sent to the Editor; otherwise, it is sent back to the authors for the necessary adjustments.
2. With Editor - at this stage, the Editor conducts the initial evaluation of the manuscript in terms of its relevance to the journal and overall quality (approx. 1 week). If the assessment is positive, the manuscript is assigned to an Associate Editor, a board member and expert in the field, to manage the review process; otherwise, the paper is rejected. If the Associate Editor considers the paper suitable, the manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers, experts in the field. For justified cases, the Editor can replace the Associate Editor.
3. Under Review - the reviewers, who are experts in the field and external to the editorial board, evaluate the paper and write their review reports (approx. 4-6 weeks).
4. Under Revision - in this stage, the Associate Editor decides whether to send the paper for revision based on the reviewers' reports (approx. 1 week). The revision deadline depends on the complexity of the required adjustments. If the reviewers' feedback is predominantly negative, the paper may be rejected.
5. Awaiting Editor Decision - after evaluating the revised version, the Associate Editor recommends to the Editor whether to publish the paper, taking into account the reviewers' feedback (approx. 1 week).