About journal
Economic Research Guardian (EcRG) is a double-blind reviewed online semi-annual journal, which publishes high quality economic scientific articles. Contributions covering Eastern Europe are more than welcome.
The journal encourages the submission of theoretical and empirical research papers in the following areas of economics:
* Mathematical and Quantitative Methods for Economics;
* Public Economics;
* Health, Education, and Welfare;
* Labor and Demographic Economics;
* Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth;
* Cultural Economics; Economic Sociology; Economic Anthropology.
The aim of Economic Research Guardian is to integrate ideas and opinions of the economist and researchers in the field, all over the world, providing a true environment of scientific debate.
Economic Research Guardian strongly promotes interdisciplinary studies over the issues of theoretical and practical importance, especially regarding the relationships between economics and political sciences, sociology, psychology etc.
EcRG provides free open access to the journal content (every reader has free unlimited access to full-text articles published by Economic Research Guardian, without subscription or price barriers), improving in this way the global research exchange.
The official website addresses are www.ecrg-journal.com and www.ecrg.ro
The official website addresses are www.ecrg-journal.com and www.ecrg.ro
Promo - 2024!
A new book of the Editor Mihai Mutascu is realised - The scientific economic paper: from writing to publishing. Third Edition, 2024!
Written by a non-native English speaker, this third edition of the book substantially revises the previous versions, incorporating much more new and updated information.
As a novelty, a chapter on bad practices has been added, covering the activities of editors, reviewers and authors.
The book is addressed especially to young researchers, debutants, devoted to economic research (e.g. master students, PhD students, post-doc students and young researchers) and also anyone in the academic environment and not only.
The volume is not exclusively a scientific one, being more appropriate to a friendly short 'story' about how to write and publish a scientific economic paper.
This manuscript’s idea originates from my international publishing experience with several recognized publishers (e.g. Emerald, Elsevier, Sage, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley).
The book is available on Amazon online bookstore.
A new book of the Editor Mihai Mutascu is realised - The scientific economic paper: from writing to publishing. Third Edition, 2024!
Written by a non-native English speaker, this third edition of the book substantially revises the previous versions, incorporating much more new and updated information.
As a novelty, a chapter on bad practices has been added, covering the activities of editors, reviewers and authors.
The book is addressed especially to young researchers, debutants, devoted to economic research (e.g. master students, PhD students, post-doc students and young researchers) and also anyone in the academic environment and not only.
The volume is not exclusively a scientific one, being more appropriate to a friendly short 'story' about how to write and publish a scientific economic paper.
This manuscript’s idea originates from my international publishing experience with several recognized publishers (e.g. Emerald, Elsevier, Sage, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Wiley).
The book is available on Amazon online bookstore.
In Memoriam - Prof. Dr. Francesco Forte
It is deep regret and profound sadness that we announce the passing away in January 1st, 2022 of the Honorary Editor of 'Economic Research Guardian' - Prof. Dr. Francesco Forte. He was 92 years old.
Born on 11 February 1929 in Busto Arsizio, he had graduated in 1951 in Law at the University of Pavia, with a thesis in Finance. He succeed Prof. Luigi Einaudi in 1961 as full professor of Finance at the University of Turin.
Prof. Forte served as Minister of Finance of the Fanfani V Government and Minister of Community Policies of Craxi Government as well as mayor of Bormio between 1988 and 1991. After completing his political career, he returned in academia as full professor at the La Sapienza University of Rome.
Prof. Forte is well known for his work in 'public choice' theory, strongly collaborating with Prof. James Buchanan and Sir Alan Peacock. Not at least, he was a frequent columnist, signing many articles with economic character in newspapers such as Il Giorno, l’Espresso, Panorama, la Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Italia Oggi, Libero and il Foglio.
His last work is a four-handed book in English with Maria Luisa Trussardi, entitled “Fashion and Luxury Fashion in the Third Millennium”. The book is already in bookstores.
Prof, we will miss you!
It is deep regret and profound sadness that we announce the passing away in January 1st, 2022 of the Honorary Editor of 'Economic Research Guardian' - Prof. Dr. Francesco Forte. He was 92 years old.
Born on 11 February 1929 in Busto Arsizio, he had graduated in 1951 in Law at the University of Pavia, with a thesis in Finance. He succeed Prof. Luigi Einaudi in 1961 as full professor of Finance at the University of Turin.
Prof. Forte served as Minister of Finance of the Fanfani V Government and Minister of Community Policies of Craxi Government as well as mayor of Bormio between 1988 and 1991. After completing his political career, he returned in academia as full professor at the La Sapienza University of Rome.
Prof. Forte is well known for his work in 'public choice' theory, strongly collaborating with Prof. James Buchanan and Sir Alan Peacock. Not at least, he was a frequent columnist, signing many articles with economic character in newspapers such as Il Giorno, l’Espresso, Panorama, la Stampa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Italia Oggi, Libero and il Foglio.
His last work is a four-handed book in English with Maria Luisa Trussardi, entitled “Fashion and Luxury Fashion in the Third Millennium”. The book is already in bookstores.
Prof, we will miss you!
Economic Research Guardian (EcRG) collaborates with International Political Science Association (IPSA), organization which was founded in Paris in 1949 under the aegis of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
The journal is also agreed by International Network for Economic Research (INFER), a non-profit organization supporting science and research in all areas of economics.
The journal is also agreed by International Network for Economic Research (INFER), a non-profit organization supporting science and research in all areas of economics.
![]() Starting with 2019,
EcRG is indexed in Scopus©. EcRG is also under evaluation process by Clarivate Analytics©. |
The journal is currently indexed by: BASE, Cabell's, DOAJ, Ebsco, EconLit, EconBiz, Econis, EconPapers, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, ERIH Plus, EZB, Google Academic, IndexCopernicus, JournalTOCs, Open-J-Gate, ProQuest, RePEc, ResearchBib, Scopus, Jisc, Ulrich's and WorldCat.